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Workers' Compensation Insurance

Axcet HR navigates and mitigates your risk through the challenging area of Workers' Comp with the expertise of an entire team of pros.

Workers’ Compensation

Every business has an obligation to provide its employees a safe and healthy work environment. Still, accidents and illnesses can happen at work. If they do, workers’ compensation insurance aids your small business in two ways: It protects the people who work for you, and it protects your organization from the high costs that may come if an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness. Considering that the average workers’ compensation claim costs more than $42,000, it’s unlikely your company could easily cover these expenses without this insurance. Few small to medium-sized businesses could.

In every state, all but the smallest companies are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Companies that don’t comply are at risk for fines and penalties – and maybe even for covering the costs associated with the injury.

Need help with your Workers' Comp? Reach out »

Axcet HR’s pros are insurance and claims experts, so you don’t have to be. 

What is workers’ compensation insurance?

Workers’ compensation, sometimes called workers’ comp or work comp, is an employer-employee-based insurance policy that pays medical expenses, lost income and disability benefits for an employee who sustains a work-related injury or illness.

As a certified professional employer organization to small businesses, Axcet HR Solutions provides risk management services that include a master workers’ compensation program. The program offers several advantages over policies small and mid-sized companies typically procure from insurance brokers. Axcet’s program:

  • Eliminates the need for client companies to shop for and evaluate workers’ compensation polices and providers each year because Axcet manages all aspects of annual renewals.
  • Requires no down payment.
  • Allows pay-as-you-go billing.
  • Eliminates the year-end policy audit (which, with traditional policies, often leads to additional premium being owed or returned).

Beyond the policy advantages, the greatest value of Axcet’s workers’ compensation program to clients is what they gain from working with us: expertise, ownership of the claims process, smart counsel and unparalleled attention and responsiveness. Our risk management team is made up of highly experienced professionals who understand the negative impact injuries can have on a small business. Our team manages claims to reduce the numerous exposures associated with a workplace injury.

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can help you with Workers' Compensation »

Experienced, in-house claims management

Having worked in the industry for decades, Axcet HR Solutions’ professionals have handled all kinds of workers’ compensation claims. Our experts thoroughly understand the workers’ comp system. Because few small businesses have this expertise on their own teams, it’s not uncommon for claims to be managed ineffectively when they go it alone – a situation that leads to disgruntled employees, lower productivity and higher overall costs.

Axcet’s claims team:

  • Works directly with the injured worker, medical providers, claims adjusters and, when appropriate, attorneys to coordinate all aspects of the claims process while keeping you apprised of progress.
  • Manages claims effectively and efficiently to minimize cost. This, in turn, reduces the overall impact to insurance prices related to workplace injuries.

Axcet’s pros already are insurance and claims experts, so you don’t have to be. 

Injury management protocols and consulting

An effective injury management protocol is a strategic and holistic approach that integrates all aspects needed to minimize the impact of a workplace injury. Implementing an injury management protocol, which includes administrative procedures, medical treatment, rehabilitation and employer best practices, helps achieve ideal outcomes and a safe, long-term return to work for injured employees.

Clients that are part of Axcet’s workers’ compensation program benefit from efficient, time-tested protocols, beginning with reporting the claim and identifying appropriate medical professionals, through cost-effectively resolving the claim.

In every case of a work-related injury or illness, Axcet acts as the liaison with our client, the injured employee, medical providers, claims adjusters and, if necessary, attorneys.

Rather than clients having to deal with these third parties, Axcet’s claims management team is the single point of contact.

Accident compensability and fraud investigation

Just because an accident happens at a worksite doesn’t necessarily mean the employee has a valid claim the workers’ compensation policy will cover. Clients can lean on Axcet’s experience to apply state-specific laws to determine whether a claim qualifies for payment.

Axcet’s claims management team reviews all reported workplace injuries. Having evaluated thousands of claims over the years, Axcet’s team recognizes red flags and investigates suspicious reports. This attention to detail protects our clients and our carrier from paying non-compensable or fraudulent claims.

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Medical provider management

Some states, including Kansas and Missouri, allow the employer to direct an injured employee’s medical care. Drawing on strong relationships with physicians who also know the workers’ compensation system, Axcet recommends excellent doctors, including specialists. These experts can confirm diagnoses, write work restrictions specific to employees’ injuries and assist with compensability issues to ensure small business clients get accurate information about the nature of injuries and correct treatments.

Equally important, clients avoid health care providers who are not reputable. Axcet’s expertise results in better care for the injured employee and protects the company.

Claims cost containment

Axcet helps smaller companies contain workers’ compensation claims costs by coaching clients to use the right network providers at the right time, to avoid using emergency rooms when they are not necessary and to get appropriate medical attention for injured workers without sacrificing cost-effectiveness.

Small companies that don’t work with Axcet may make expensive mistakes, like authorizing an employee to see a physician who isn’t in the network or familiar with the workers’ compensation system. Such decisions usually are made with good intentions, but result in increased claims costs – which, in turn, cause the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance premiums to rise.

Working with Axcet gives smaller companies direction on cost-effective decision-making that stabilizes costs and eliminates premium shocks.

Return-to-work policies and procedures development and consulting

Axcet is both an employer and employee advocate. We want injured workers to get the best medical care possible so they can heal and return to work.

After a work-related injury or illness, getting employees back to work as quickly as possible enhances their emotional wellbeing, boosts their physical healing and maintains their engagement with the employer. Small businesses who set the stage for this return to productivity, even on a limited scale, reduce their exposure to poor (read: expensive) claims outcomes.

Axcet’s claims management team communicates directly with doctors to clarify work restrictions and help clients modify job responsibilities so employees can work in a limited capacity without risk of additional injury until they receive a full-duty release from their doctors.

Substance abuse policy and procedures development

Employees who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at work are a danger to themselves and others. A substance abuse policy is the first step in maintaining a drug-free workplace.

If an employee has an accident and was under the influence at the time, Axcet helps determine if the claim can be denied under state regulations. Besides handling such claims, our workers’ compensation claims managers can engage our in-house HR colleagues to help clients decide whether an employee who is known to be abusing drugs or alcohol should be disciplined or terminated – and to ensure that all such situations are handled consistently.

Often, a workplace injury leads to the discovery of additional employment exposures. Axcet’s team consults with clients to mitigate and manage these ancillary risks.

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Litigation management

When a workers’ compensation claim results in litigation, it is important for the defense counsel to equally represent the interests of the employer and the insurance carrier – but, with traditional insurance policies, that situation does not always occur. Axcet hand-selects trusted defense counsel to represent those interests. This allows our claims management team to ensure the defense counsel has a complete understanding of the claim from the employer’s perspective.

Axcet’s workers’ compensation management team reviews claims and medical records and knows them inside out, then sits right next to the attorney during claimant depositions and in court. This involvement reduces expensive mistakes and leads to more cost-effective outcomes.

Risk Management Expertise »

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Why use a PEO for Workers' Comp?

Small business owners prioritize workplace safety, yet accidents and illnesses are unforeseen realities. This underscores the importance of reliable workers' comp insurance.

While options exist with private insurance carriers or state-assigned risk pools, a smarter choice is partnering with a PEO, especially one with seasoned risk management consultants. Here are seven reasons why choosing a PEO for workers' comp is a strategic move to better protect your business and its employees.


Risk Management Company FAQs: Your Questions Answered

Understanding and navigating the complexities of risk management for your business can seem overwhelming. To address this, our risk management consultants have compiled your most frequently asked questions – and their answers – to guide those considering the advantages of entrusting this essential business component to an experienced, certified risk management company.

Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing potential risks to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events. It's a strategic approach used by risk management consultants to safeguard a company's assets and ensure financial stability.

These threats, or risks, could stem from numerous sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors or accidents.

This process enables businesses to make informed decisions and proactively address uncertainties with the expertise of a professional risk management company.

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We utilize our experience and knowledge to help clients achieve their safety and compliance goals every day. Our safety consultants work hand-in-hand with you and your team to provide best practices for avoiding and managing any unfortunate accidents. From mock OSHA inspections to CPR training and individual safety training, we take a very personal approach to making sure you, your employees and your workplace are safe.

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Our safety team includes a risk manager, a claims manager and a safety and health consultant – each with decades of experience to serve you.

Working together, they support your business with safety and risk best practices, creating custom strategies to enhance safety and mitigate claims losses.

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Yes, we have a dedicated, in-house claims management claims management team ready to serve your business. Our risk management consulting services  also cover injury management protocols and consulting, accident compensability and fraud investigation.

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We are small, and as such, rarely in the eye of a payroll services company. Axcet works with our multiple entities. I want to focus on our business, and they focus on HR for me. Because we are small, I really don't want to have a 'personal' disagreement about PTO or vacation pay, so I set the guidelines, and Axcet manages them, which I love.

Felisha M.

Owner, Insurance Firm

We really appreciate the work you are doing for our tradeshow and exhibit display company. The fun part is we get at least an email a day, phone calls every day, and we see the commercials on tv for something that you have taken care of for us last year. (And, of course, it is in the capable IRS hands now.)

Thanks for making this so easy for us.

Don J.

Owner, B2B Tradeshow & Exhibit Company

Turning our admin, payroll, benefits, 401K, workers' compensation, etc., over to Axcet HR has been one of the best decisions that we've ever made: that was back in 2001! We've had 21 great years with Axcet and hope to have 21 more! Axcet has saved us time and LOTS of money but most of all, Axcet HR has allowed us to focus on running our business...because we know, day in, and day out that Axcet has our back!

Bob G.

Owner, B2B Services Company

As a start-up, Axcet's HR solutions have been an integral partner in guiding us through several key business necessities and requirements. They have been very helpful in core functions including recruiting, 401k setup, employee onboarding, benefits enrollment, payroll and various compliance training for our employees. We've gained business momentum as a result of Axcet's team of dedicated professionals.

Andrew C.

Chief Growth Officer, Technology Company

Axcet has helped us find affordable benefits for our 15 employees. Being a small firm, it was hard to find various health insurance options. It is nice knowing that we have someone with HR knowledge. It is good to get another persons opinion when we are having employee issues.

Michelle W.

Controller, Engineering Firm

Axcet's professionalism and knowledge is a definite asset for our company. They have saved me so many hours in Payroll, HR, Benefits and Workers Comp. There is no way for me to keep up on Human Resources! I praise their staff highly! ...Axcet KNOWS Customer Service!

Anna H.

Owner, Car Dealership

Axcet has been so helpful and professional in answering questions that I have for payroll processing. My payroll administrator is so prompt in replying to emails. He is really easy to work with and is so knowledgeable. Our Human Resources Consultant is professional and personable. I have great confidence in Axcet and have never hesitated in contacting them for questions or clarification.

Mandy C.

Non-Profit Ministry

Axcet HR has help lesson our burden in all aspects of payroll, HR, safety and our 401K. When an employee comes to one of us with a situation. All we do is point them to our Axcet administrator and or payroll administrator and the issue gets resolved. It has been a great relationship.

Rick B.

Electrical Services Company

I burned through a couple of "payroll companies" before I found Axcet. I have yet to encounter anyone at this company that hasn't been friendly, approachable and knowledgeable. Calls are returned amazingly fast and problems are solved without having to make any other calls. This is truly a great company and stellar business partner!

Nita C.

Owner, Medical Industry Company

With all the changing rules and regulations we face as employers, I was always afraid of a "Gotcha!" moment. We've been with Axcet over 10 years now and I sleep well at night knowing all our HR is done right. They make it all so easy. Our payroll is accurate, we are legal and OSHA compliant in every area, and my employees love their benefits. Our team at Axcet is more than just a good vendor, they are a great partner!

Bruce H.

Founder & CEO, Services Company

My faith in Axcet's expertise has always been off the charts. It has been so nice to just be able to pick up the phone and ask questions. Simple to complex ... they can do all of it! Axcet has allowed us to offer an extensive benefits package to our Teammates which has been an added bonus. Axcet is not only part of our Team but we consider them part of our Family! We are one of Axcet's many fans. No regrets since day one and we wouldn't change a thing!

Moira V.

Small Business Owner

Axcet handles all of payroll, HR and benefits needs. As a non-profit, it's great to have Axcet as a partner to provide all of the employee benefits and HR support that I need so our staff can focus on the core mission of our organization! They have helped me with hiring, navigating benefits enrollment to get our employees the best rates possible, as well as navigating possible employee related tax credits. I love our Axcet team!

Emily D.

CEO, a Kansas City Non-profit

We had tried two other PEOs. Both of which we left after the first year. The level of service that we were accustomed to with Axcet was not there, so we came back to Axcet truly because of the excellent service we always received. Everyone at Axcet would make us feel like we were their only client, like they were sitting there waiting for our call, always friendly and ready to help. 

Lisa C.

VP of Finance, Kansas City Financial Institution

We started working with Axcet in 2018 and they have dramatically increased our internal productivity. We used to spend hours on payroll, HR, benefits, taxes, etc. each week and that is no longer the case. Prior to Axcet, we worked with two other payroll companies and is was a complete mess. Working with Axcet is like having a robust and efficient internal HR department. They have solutions to every problem and we no longer feel lost trying to navigate the payroll landscape. If you want to streamline your business and get out of the HR and payroll weeds, then go with Axcet.

Peyton W.

Owner, Recruitment Firm

Thank you Axcet HR for your assistance with the employee issue. You justified every penny we pay to Axcet through this exercise. I am really glad we have you and Axcet as a resource. It gave me peace of mind, knowing that you would know how to handle these situations the correct way. I really appreciate all the effort put into this to help me stay on course and protect our company.

Mark S.

President, B2B Company
Sherri Senior Human Resources Consultant at Axcet HR, Kansas City

Job Ads, Resumés, Onboarding, Oh My!

As a full service professional employer organization (PEO), we provide comprehensive HR support and administration to help your business succeed.

The cost of a bad hire can be significant, often reaching as much as 30% of their salary. By relying on our HR experts, you can save your business thousands of dollars and avoid the costly mistakes that can come with an uninformed hiring process.

Schedule a chat with the HR experts at Axcet today.

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