PEO/HRO – What's HR Outsourcing? What's a PEO? How to select a PEO.

NEW! Free Guide
What to look for When Searching For a PEO
With more than 400 PEOs in the US, how do you know the right one for your business? Get 8 tips to inform your search.
- How to determine the best value
- What is the cost structure like?
- What certifications are relevant to demonstrate qualifications?
- How to identify if they are financially reliable?
- What to expect in the employee and employer experience.
- And more...

White Paper
Transitioning to the HR Outsourcer
One of the top functions small & mid-sized business owners outsource is their organization’s human resources. From compliance and payroll to recruiting and hiring, HR is mission critical. It requires specialized expertise and daily attention. Find out eight goals for transitioning HR services to a third-party provider.

Certified PEOs: Your Easy-To-Understand Guide
Protect Your Company with IRS-Certified Payroll and Tax Processing and get Peace of Mind with Our Certified PEO Guide! In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn:
- Understanding Certified PEOs
- The Path to Certification
- Why Certification Matters
- The Unparalleled Benefits

White Paper
Understanding the Outsourcing Agreement
When you partner with an outsourced HR company for your business' HR needs, you are entering into a contractual agreement that, when properly designed, should set the stage for a successful, long-term relationship. Find out six must-have components of your outsourcing agreement.
Benefits – Picking a Plan and Rolling It Out

White Paper
Avoid Making the Nine Most Common Employee Benefits Mistakes
Business owners sometimes learn the benefits plans they’ve chosen aren’t really affordable or what their employees need. Our free report looks at the nine most common employee benefits mistakes your small business simply cannot afford to make.

White Paper
The Three Things Small Businesses Need to Know About Offering Employee Health Insurance
Health insurance tops the list of most desirable employee benefits. In fact, 88% of job seekers would consider a lower-paying job if the company offered better health, vision, and dental insurance. Find out three things small businesses need to know about offering employee health insurance.

White Paper
Self-Funded v. Fully Insured Benefits
Know the risk of self-funded health insurance plans — one large claim can significantly damage and even wipe out a small company. Download our free report to find out seven important concepts, including when it makes sense to self-fund medical benefits.

White Paper
Four Things You Need to Know Before Rolling Out an Employee Health Plan
Small business owners who offer their employees quality health insurance are better able to recruit and retain top talent. That said, to fully realize the advantages that come with offering medical benefits, effective communication during the rollout period is critical. Find out four things employers need to know.
Human Resources – Compliance, Culture, Hiring and More

NEW! Free Report
How Mid-Sized Businesses Can Fix Their Four People Challenges
Growing pains come in many forms for mid-sized businesses. This report identifies "people challenges" most often seen in mid-sized businesses. Learn what these challenges are and how you can take steps to address them effectively.

NEW! White Paper
Employment Reference Checks: What to Ask and Why
While they aren’t always easy to obtain, reference checks are a valuable part of the hiring process because they are often your first, and sometimes only, chance to learn about a candidate from another professional and/or outside source. Download Employment Reference Checks: What to Ask and Why to find out effective reference check practices, four risks, sample questions, and more.

White Paper
COVID-19 Employee Resource Guide
Stressful times call for a helping hand — and our COVID-19 Employee Resource Guide provides just that. For help maintaining employee wellbeing during these trying times, download our free guide to gain access to a wealth of free or low-cost resources covering health and wellness, household finances, children learning at home, and much more.

White Paper
Managing Ongoing Operations COVID Checklist
Once you’ve resumed normal business activities during the COVID pandemic and returned employees to the workplace, ongoing evaluation and adaptation will be important for continued safety. Managing Ongoing Operations - COVID-19 Checklist has been designed to serve as a guide for safely continuing business operations during the pandemic.

EXPANDED! White Paper
The Complete Guide to Managing COVID-19 in the Workplace
NEWLY EXPANDED! Global pandemics put a damper on everything, including your business. If you are confused about what you should do about COVID-19 at your business, download our Complete Guide to Managing COVID-19 in the Workplace to find out steps you can take today to help keep your employees safe.

White Paper
A Guide to Understanding Racism in the Workplace
While many organizations have diversity and inclusion initiatives, often they just aren’t enough. Recent events have put the spotlight on businesses to understand and take meaningful action against racism. If you don’t know where to start, download our free Guide to Understanding Racism in the Workplace. Our HR experts identify challenges employers face, discuss implications for HR and define workplace best practices.

White Paper
4 Best Practices for a Harassment Free Workplace
Failure to create a safe and respectful environment puts small and mid-sized companies at risk for damage to the organization’s reputation and sizable financial costs due to potential lawsuits. Has your workplace taken the right actions to ensure a harassment-free culture? Download our free report to find out four employer best practices for a harassment free workplace now.

White Paper
How to Write the Perfect Job Description
If you think job descriptions are just for the hiring process think again. Job descriptions are a useful business tool across your entire organization impacting business owners, managers, HR and your employees. Find out everything you need to know to craft relevant and specific job descriptions in this step-by-step guide.

White Paper
3 Ways to attract talent to a small business
Think you can’t attract A-list talent to your organization because of its small size? Think again! Our whitepaper details three ways to leverage your small business’ size when recruiting and retaining top talent. Download the free whitepaper today.

White Paper
Understanding the New Overtime Rule: A Guide to Paying Overtime in 2020
The DOL new overtime rule took effect January 1 and an additional 1.3 million US workers became newly eligible for overtime pay. Download our free white paper to find out everything employers need to know about the new overtime rule.

Get The Secrets To A Perfect Employee Handbook!
Crafting or revising an employee handbook is a complex task. Our white paper simplifies this process by answering key questions and providing essential insights. Discover the Key to Effective HR Management with Our Free White Paper on the Employee Handbook.

How Mid-Sized Businesses Can Minimize Growing Pains
Mid-sized businesses have mastered the startup phase. But their initial success is fueling growing pains - especially on the human resources front. Learn more about the Four Key Human Resources Issues facing mid-sized businesses today.

NEW! White Paper
8 Steps to Keep Political Tension from Taking Over the Workplace
According to an October 2020 survey by the Society for Human Resources Management, 44% of HR pros reported intensified political volatility at work this year (even after the presidential election), up 18% from the prior 2016 presidential election. Download our free white paper to find out eight steps employers can take to keep political tension from taking over the workplace.

White Paper
Bringing Back Employees Checklist
The employee experience while in the physical workplace is much different now than it was pre-pandemic. In an effort to keep employees safe, employers need to evaluate many things including social distancing, traffic patterns, personal protective equipment, cleaning and more. Download our Bringing Back Employees Checklist to find out nine areas in the workplace to evaluate amid COVID-19 concerns.

White Paper
Planning for Return Checklist COVID
Today’s business owner has never been in a situation quite like this before — resuming business activities and returning employees to the physical workplace amid a global health crisis. Download our Planning for Return Checklist to find out nine steps to take as you begin preparing, such as developing a business continuity plan and rolling back in phases.

White Paper
The Essential Guide to Managing COVID-19 Anxiety
Free, premium guide for employers, jam-packed with six articles! Our Essential Guide to Managing COVID-19 Anxiety in the Workplace helps business owners and managers support employees through uncertain times and includes expert-written articles on topics including employee return to work, mental health, grief and layoffs.

White Paper
A Checklist to Identify Racism in the Workplace
Research shows 61% of Americans agree change is needed to achieve racial equality. In the workplace, often change can only occur once employers are able to recognize, acknowledge and understand racism. Our Checklist to Identify Racism in the Workplace provides a starting point for employers committed to achieving equality. Our HR experts explore real EEOC cases and align them with corresponding employment practices to help employers recognize potential racism in their organization.

White Paper
17 Labor Laws Every Small Business Owner Should Know
Large companies often have their own HR department and legal team to ensure compliance, but small businesses typically don’t have that luxury. That said, ignorance of the law is no defense. Here are 17 labor laws small business owners need to know.

White Paper
Top 5 HR Challenges for the Construction Industry
In building and maintaining a strong workforce, businesses in the construction industry face several unique challenges, including a lack of qualified candidates, high employee turnover, perpetual safety concerns. and compliance with employment and immigration laws. Here's the best way to handle these challenges.

White Paper
Eight Things Employers Need to Know in the Era of Legal Marijuana
Medical marijuana dispensary licenses are currently being issued in Missouri and it’s expected Missouri patients will be able to walk into licensed dispensaries as soon as this spring. Download our free report to find out eight things employers need to know.

White Paper
3 HR Process Your Mid-Sized Business Can Use to Attract High Quality Employees Every Time You Hire
While the owner of a mid-sized business may have personally interviewed, selected and trained the organization's initial group of employees, growth makes this type of system virtually impossible to continue. A recruiting, hiring and onboarding process that meets the demands of a growing business is a must. Find out the five components of a structured employee lifecycle process.
Payroll – Best Practices

White Paper
Dos and Don'ts of Paying Overtime
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average U.S. worker logged 3.5 hours per week in overtime in late 2018, making it all the more important to know what you can and can’t do with regard to paying employee overtime. Here are six do's and don’ts to keep the smart employer out of hot water.

White Paper
When There's an Additional Pay Period; It's Not Just a Leap Year Issue
The year 2020 is a leap year with one additional day that may result in an extra pay period. While the headache an extra pay period can create isn’t exclusive to leap years many employers will encounter one this year. Here’s what to do.
Safety & Workers' Compensation – OSHA, Best Practices and more

White Paper
Complete Guide to an OSHA Inspection
Business owners and managers who know how to prepare for an OSHA inspection can take steps today to protect their business. In this free white paper, our safety experts discuss the top ten things you need to know to prepare for and effectively manage an OSHA inspection.

White Paper
10 Best Practices for Workers' Compensation Claim Management
Managing risk in the workplace starts well before an injury occurs. Even though the number of serious workplace injuries & illness fell from 2017-18, their cost increased. Find out 10 best practices for workers’ compensation claims management

White Paper
Legal Marijuana: How Employers Can Keep Workplace Productivity from Going up in Smoke
Marijuana continues to gain traction as a legal substance in America, but that doesn’t mean your workplace productivity needs to go up in smoke. Download our free report to find out the dos and don’ts of marijuana in the workplace

White Paper
Preliminary Inspection Rules
The last thing you want is to be unprepared when an OSHA inspector arrives at your businesses. In this free white paper, you'll learn how to be prepared for an unexpected visit and what everyone's rights are, including yours, your employees' and the OSHA inspector's.