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Strategy & Organizational Development

Strategy and organizational development are the key components to the growth of your business. Axcet is ready to help.

Organizational Development

Strategic human resources planning helps small and mid-sized businesses align their HR practices to support profitability.

Axcet HR Solutions helps businesses connect their organizational goals to their HR capabilities. Working with a top provider of comprehensive strategic planning consulting services, businesses can grow feeling confident they're heading in the right direction.

Thinking about outsourcing your HR organizational planning? Reach out »

Organizational structure review and design

Organizational structure is – or should be – inextricably linked to strategy. It’s about optimizing talent and focusing resources on a company’s business objectives. And, as they change over time, so, too, should your organizational structure.

Aligning your reporting hierarchy, performance metrics and staffing analyses with strategic priorities improves accountability, decision making, morale and productivity. Sometimes there’s a clear-cut need to review how your organization is structured, like after a merger. Other signs may be less obvious, such as executives spending too much time in meetings, high turnover and work delays.

Axcet HR Solutions is a Kansas City strategic planning consultant that can determine if your organizational structure is more likely to impede or advance your growth goals. We can help you clearly define lines of communication and responsibilities so that your staff is more motivated and better equipped to deliver desired outcomes.

Workforce planning

Your business thrives or dies based on your employees’ performance. Having the right people with the right skills in the right positions is the only way you can effectively deliver your products or services.

The key to that equation is strategic workforce planning and, in many cases, consulting with an HR partner who can help you maintain a high-performing staff. Whether your company is ready to grow or it’s simply time to revisit your organizational chart, Axcet can be your strategic planning consulting firm partner to guide you through workforce planning exercises that:

  • Identify skill gaps that exist now or could occur later based on your long-term business objectives, so you can address them through proactive recruitment efforts or professional development;
  • Help you structure or restructure jobs within the organization to fit what you need to achieve;
  • Help you determine what skillsets you need to look for when you’re filling open positions;
  • Help employees understand their roles in achieving the company’s vision; and
  • Identify talent management key performance indicators.

Compensation analysis

Profit is to companies what wages are to employees. Sure, people work to pursue their passions, but almost everyone cares how much money they make, too.

So, fair pay is a powerful recruitment tool. Competitive wages help you attract and retain top talent.

Compensation analysis – for a single position, a department or across an entire company – is a valuable tool that helps your small business ensure that employees are being paid fairly and that you are maximizing the benefits that come with a strong compensation program.

Axcet’s strategic planning consulting services include analyzing small and mid-sized companies’ compensation strategies by:

  • Reviewing or helping to develop a compensation philosophy, which may include a desire to ensure pay equity;
  • Comparing how competitive their pay scales are within their industries or according to employees’ job responsibilities;
  • Reviewing or creating clear job descriptions; and
  • Recommending pay rates or ranges that create engaged employees and competitive advantages and align with the management team’s compensation philosophy.

Employee satisfaction surveys

At any given moment, only one-third of your employees are engaged. That can cost your company plenty. Disengaged employees are less productive and more likely to leave.

One of the keys to boosting engagement is showing employees that their opinions matter. Enter employee surveys. Asking your teams how they feel about their working conditions, the company culture or other issues that may concern them – or you – and then addressing any concerns they raise sends a powerful message.

The very act of surveying employees communicates that you care about them. Making course corrections based on survey feedback reinforces that sentiment and, more importantly, can build your employees’ attachment to your company.

At Axcet, we make the process turnkey by developing unbiased questions, conducting the surveys, analyzing results and recommending the best ways to respond. And, since we serve as a strategic planning consulting firm to our clients, our employee survey follow-up plans are always designed with big-picture goals that include improving morale, retention, workflows and internal processes.

Succession planning

In scouting and in business, the same motto applies: Be prepared. That’s the idea behind succession planning – something nearly 60 percent of small businesses are not doing.

Succession plans, also sometimes referred to as business continuity or transition plans, allow companies to continue operating smoothly during a disruption. The most important benefit of succession planning is ensuring the longevity of your business. The time to start succession planning is yesterday, but it is especially critical when an owner intends to retire or when some other change in leadership is on the horizon.

Axcet analyzes how key employees’ absence would affect the business, offers an objective assessment on your talent pool to determine w­­­hether internal or external candidates could best fill the open roles, identifies potential candidates’ skill gaps and manages coaching to prepare successors to excel in designated leadership positions.

Axcet has been a strategic planning consulting firm specializing in succession planning and other key HR functions since 1988. We can help you identify and groom future leaders and help ensure your business is in good, qualified hands for years to come.

The most important benefit of succession planning is ensuring the longevity of your business.

Mission, Vision, and Values Creation

“Mission,” “vision” and “values” are more than just buzzwords. They are the fundamentals that separate you from your competition and guide your employees through their day-to-day activities. They are the “why,” “what” and “how” of your business. Yet, time-strapped small business owners may push off developing or refreshing these important directional tools.

Engaging Axcet as your strategic planning consulting firm streamlines the process. We’ll ask the right questions: Where is the organization headed, what are your primary goals, and what’s most important from business, customer service, and culture standpoints? We’re the partner who can guide you painlessly through the process, making sure the message you’re trying to deliver is the one you’re capturing.

We’ll also help you roll out your mission, vision, and values to employees so they clarify what you want your culture to accomplish and are used to guide daily decisions.

Change management

Change happens. Sometimes, you see it coming and, in other instances, you don’t. Whether you have advance notice or not, you have to successfully manage it in order for your business to grow.

Effective change management is an HR best practice that helps a company successfully navigate through a transition with minimal disruption to personnel and operations. The process involves situational analysis, risk assessments, planning and communication. And, while change management is unique to every company, two goals remain constant: raise awareness of an impending change and equip the affected employees to successfully adapt to the change.

Axcet, a Kansas City strategic planning consultant, has helped hundreds of small businesses through this vital human resources management function that:

  • Increases employee buy-in and support of the change;
  • Reduces the inherent stress of and resistance to change;
  • Positions the change as desirable and positive;
  • Improves morale and productivity; and
  • Instills employee loyalty.

Change does not have to be scary. Lean on a trusted partner like Axcet, who can shepherd the process for you and leverage expert change management to effectively usher your organization into a new era of success.

PEO Services Help Small Companies Thrive

PEOs like Axcet HR Solutions exist for one reason: to manage essential HR tasks on behalf of small and mid-sized businesses. A PEO’s services save small business owners money and worry by delivering expert human resources, compliance with employment regulations and time to refocus on business growth.

Axcet HR Solutions is a Kansas City strategic planning consultant that can determine if your organizational structure is more likely to impede or advance your growth goals.

Additional Resources for HR »

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We are small, and as such, rarely in the eye of a payroll services company. Axcet works with our multiple entities. I want to focus on our business, and they focus on HR for me. Because we are small, I really don't want to have a 'personal' disagreement about PTO or vacation pay, so I set the guidelines, and Axcet manages them, which I love.

Felisha M.

Owner, Insurance Firm

We really appreciate the work you are doing for our tradeshow and exhibit display company. The fun part is we get at least an email a day, phone calls every day, and we see the commercials on tv for something that you have taken care of for us last year. (And, of course, it is in the capable IRS hands now.)

Thanks for making this so easy for us.

Don J.

Owner, B2B Tradeshow & Exhibit Company

Turning our admin, payroll, benefits, 401K, workers' compensation, etc., over to Axcet HR has been one of the best decisions that we've ever made: that was back in 2001! We've had 21 great years with Axcet and hope to have 21 more! Axcet has saved us time and LOTS of money but most of all, Axcet HR has allowed us to focus on running our business...because we know, day in, and day out that Axcet has our back!

Bob G.

Owner, B2B Services Company

As a start-up, Axcet's HR solutions have been an integral partner in guiding us through several key business necessities and requirements. They have been very helpful in core functions including recruiting, 401k setup, employee onboarding, benefits enrollment, payroll and various compliance training for our employees. We've gained business momentum as a result of Axcet's team of dedicated professionals.

Andrew C.

Chief Growth Officer, Technology Company

Axcet has helped us find affordable benefits for our 15 employees. Being a small firm, it was hard to find various health insurance options. It is nice knowing that we have someone with HR knowledge. It is good to get another persons opinion when we are having employee issues.

Michelle W.

Controller, Engineering Firm

Axcet's professionalism and knowledge is a definite asset for our company. They have saved me so many hours in Payroll, HR, Benefits and Workers Comp. There is no way for me to keep up on Human Resources! I praise their staff highly! ...Axcet KNOWS Customer Service!

Anna H.

Owner, Car Dealership

Axcet has been so helpful and professional in answering questions that I have for payroll processing. My payroll administrator is so prompt in replying to emails. He is really easy to work with and is so knowledgeable. Our Human Resources Consultant is professional and personable. I have great confidence in Axcet and have never hesitated in contacting them for questions or clarification.

Mandy C.

Non-Profit Ministry

Axcet HR has help lesson our burden in all aspects of payroll, HR, safety and our 401K. When an employee comes to one of us with a situation. All we do is point them to our Axcet administrator and or payroll administrator and the issue gets resolved. It has been a great relationship.

Rick B.

Electrical Services Company

I burned through a couple of "payroll companies" before I found Axcet. I have yet to encounter anyone at this company that hasn't been friendly, approachable and knowledgeable. Calls are returned amazingly fast and problems are solved without having to make any other calls. This is truly a great company and stellar business partner!

Nita C.

Owner, Medical Industry Company

With all the changing rules and regulations we face as employers, I was always afraid of a "Gotcha!" moment. We've been with Axcet over 10 years now and I sleep well at night knowing all our HR is done right. They make it all so easy. Our payroll is accurate, we are legal and OSHA compliant in every area, and my employees love their benefits. Our team at Axcet is more than just a good vendor, they are a great partner!

Bruce H.

Founder & CEO, Services Company

My faith in Axcet's expertise has always been off the charts. It has been so nice to just be able to pick up the phone and ask questions. Simple to complex ... they can do all of it! Axcet has allowed us to offer an extensive benefits package to our Teammates which has been an added bonus. Axcet is not only part of our Team but we consider them part of our Family! We are one of Axcet's many fans. No regrets since day one and we wouldn't change a thing!

Moira V.

Small Business Owner

Axcet handles all of payroll, HR and benefits needs. As a non-profit, it's great to have Axcet as a partner to provide all of the employee benefits and HR support that I need so our staff can focus on the core mission of our organization! They have helped me with hiring, navigating benefits enrollment to get our employees the best rates possible, as well as navigating possible employee related tax credits. I love our Axcet team!

Emily D.

CEO, a Kansas City Non-profit

We had tried two other PEOs. Both of which we left after the first year. The level of service that we were accustomed to with Axcet was not there, so we came back to Axcet truly because of the excellent service we always received. Everyone at Axcet would make us feel like we were their only client, like they were sitting there waiting for our call, always friendly and ready to help. 

Lisa C.

VP of Finance, Kansas City Financial Institution

We started working with Axcet in 2018 and they have dramatically increased our internal productivity. We used to spend hours on payroll, HR, benefits, taxes, etc. each week and that is no longer the case. Prior to Axcet, we worked with two other payroll companies and is was a complete mess. Working with Axcet is like having a robust and efficient internal HR department. They have solutions to every problem and we no longer feel lost trying to navigate the payroll landscape. If you want to streamline your business and get out of the HR and payroll weeds, then go with Axcet.

Peyton W.

Owner, Recruitment Firm

Thank you Axcet HR for your assistance with the employee issue. You justified every penny we pay to Axcet through this exercise. I am really glad we have you and Axcet as a resource. It gave me peace of mind, knowing that you would know how to handle these situations the correct way. I really appreciate all the effort put into this to help me stay on course and protect our company.

Mark S.

President, B2B Company
Sherri Senior Human Resources Consultant at Axcet HR, Kansas City

Job Ads, Resumés, Onboarding, Oh My!

As a full service professional employer organization (PEO), we provide comprehensive HR support and administration to help your business succeed.

The cost of a bad hire can be significant, often reaching as much as 30% of their salary. By relying on our HR experts, you can save your business thousands of dollars and avoid the costly mistakes that can come with an uninformed hiring process.

Schedule a chat with the HR experts at Axcet today.

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